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High blood pressure, however, is a modifiable risk factor for heart disease. Lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney damage, vision loss and sexual dysfunction. Medication can undoubtedly lower down the blood pressure, but it may cause a lot of side effects such as dizziness, insomnia as well as leg cramps. However, keep in mind that this home remedy may respond with blood pressure, bloodthinning, diuretic and diabetic medications. Christina neal is an expert in selfhelp, spirituality and. Here are some effective home remedies for high blood pressure that is mentioned below. You might be wondering if theres any way to quickly lower your blood pressure to avoid having a high blood pressure reading, so lets answer your burning question upfront. Y ou can live a healthier life if you treat and manage your high blood pressure. Hibiscus is one of the effective and natural home remedies for high blood pressure. Click here and discover how you can lower your blood pressure naturally. Heres 17 ways to lower your blood pressure, such as exercises to do and.